Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tata Nano-: Features & Price

Cost Cutting Features.

i)The Nano's boot does not open. Instead, the rear seats can be folded down to access the boot.
ii)It has a single windscreen wiper instead of the usual pair.
iii)It has no power steering.

iv)Its door opening lever was simplified.

v)It has three nuts on the wheels instead of four.

vi)It has only one side view mirror.

vii)The front seats are identical and have integrated headrests.


(2009 -03-22)[update]Tata initially targeted the vehicle as "the least expensive production car in the world" — aiming for a starting price of 100,000 rupees or approximately US$2000 (using exchange rate as of 22 March 2009)6 years ago, despite rapidly rising material prices at the time.

As of August 2008[update], material costs had risen from 13% to 23% over the car’s development, and Tata faced the choice of:

i) introducing the car with an artificially low price through government subsidies and tax-breaks

ii) forgoing profit on the car

iii) using vertical-integration to artificially boost profits on cars at the expense of their materials industries

iv) partially using inexpensive polymers or biodegradable plastics instead of a full metal-body.

v)raising the price of the car.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tata Nano-: Overview


The Tata Nano is a rear-engined, four-passenger city car built by Tata Motors, aimed primarily at the Indian market. The car is very fuel efficient, achieving around 26 kilometers per liter on the highway and around 22 kilometers per liter in the city.

The introduction of the Nano received media attention due to its targeted low price. The Financial Times reported: "If ever there were a symbol of India’s ambitions to become a modern nation, it would surely be the Nano, the tiny car with the even tinier price-tag. A triumph of homegrown engineering, the $2,200 (€1,490, £1,186) Nano encapsulates the dream of millions of Indians groping for a shot at urban prosperity." The car is expected to boost the Indian economy, create entrepreneurial-opportunities across India, as well as expand the Indian car market by 65%. The car was envisioned by Ratan Tata, Chairman of the Tata Group and Tata Motors, who has described it as an eco-friendly "people's car".

In early 2008 the news magazine Newsweek identified the Nano as a part of a "new breed of 21st-century cars" that embody "a contrarian philosophy of smaller, lighter, cheaper" and portend a new era in inexpensive personal transportation — and potentially, "global gridlock". The Wall Street Journal confirmed a global trend toward small cars, which includes the Nano.
"Nano" means "small" in Gujarati, the language of the founders of the Tata Group. "Nano" from the SI prefix for one-billionth is often used to mean "small" in colloquial English.
Nano has been greatly appreciated by many sources and the media for its low-cost and eco-friendly initiatives which include using compressed-air as fuel and an electric-version (E-Nano). Tata Group is expected to mass-manufacture the Nano, particularly the electric-version, and, besides selling them in India, to also export them worldwide.

Critics of the car have questioned its safety in India (where reportedly 90,000 people are killed in road-accidents every year), and have also criticised the pollution that it would cause (including criticism by Nobel Peace Prize winner Rajendra Pachauri). However, Tata Motors has promised that it would definitely release Nano's eco-friendly models alongside the gasoline-model.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Ford Figo price & specification still secret

It seems the unveiling of the Ford small car for India was all about business plans and strategy. True, the car was displayed, videos were released, pictures were available. But in the end, no one knew much about the car.

I heard before the launch that the small car would feature both 1.2 liter diesel and a 1.5 liter diesel engines. Any confirmation on that during the Figo launch? None. Visit the Ford Figo photo gallery

Which cars would it be positioned against? Size-wise, the Ford Figo looks like a Ritz-class car. Which means a pretty large bunch of cars as competition.

That might change the entire game is the price. There are rumours that this car would be priced at Rs 2.5 lakh ex-showroom. But i also hear a price of 3.5 lakhs. If even the higher figure is true, that would mean a price tag that is lower than the Volkswagen Polo (which itself is rumoured to be be priced cheap at Rs 4 lakhs) and the Fiat Punto. That surely will set the cat among the pigeons.

If that is true.

I am sure the actual price of the Ford Figo will be decided only just before the actual launch. Remember, this was an unveiling, not a launch. The Figo launch would be in March 2010 from what we hear. Announcing the price so early does not make sense for Ford anyway.

Specifications? That is not going to stay secret for long, and why bother? In the next one month, I am sure details of the actual specifications would start leaking into the media.

The initial reactions to the Figo seem favourable though. Pretty much everyone likes the smart new grille and the headlights, and the bumper area. On the sides and rear, opinion is mixed.

What Ford will need to watch out for, possibly, is a misconception that the Figo is a new version of the Fusion. I don’t think that will happen though. Remember that there were many who liked the little crossover looks of the Fusion but didn’t go near it due to the high price tag. A bit of smart advertising is all Ford needs to do in that department to ensure clarity.

for more detail please visit-: